Gun Dog Training Supplies.
Gun Dog training is a skill that requires a lot of effort and work compared to the standard sit, heel, and fetch that all dogs undergo. It is not an easy task to accomplish but can be made a great experience by using positive reinforcement techniques for better results. Gun dog training normally begins when the pup is around 6 – 8 months old, this is to ensure the pup has initially built-up confidence before training commences. There is no time limit on how long it takes to train a gun dog as lots of factors must be taken into consideration and not every pup has the same characteristics, however, there are many gun dog training supplies that can help.
Gun dog dummies
Gun dog dummies are available in a variety of styles, sizes and colours they are an excellent piece of equipment when practicing retrieving. Dummies can be purchased complete with rabbit fur, and full fur or be presented to look like a duck.
Picking up equipment
Picking up equipment consists of items such as a game carrier, game bag, slings, and anything you would use to help assist with the carrying of equipment whilst training.
Gun dog leads
Gun Dog leads are specially designed for working dogs as they have an attachment called ‘slip and clip’. this enables fast placing of garments which is what is needed when training gun dogs. They are available in 4mm, 6mm, and 8mm with braided tracking lines so no gun dog ever goes missing.
Training supplies of whistles and lanyards
The whistles used for gun dog training are not ordinary, each whistle consists of a different animal noise ranging from acme duck, teal widgeon, and silent whistles to magpie and rook call. It teaches the gun dog to distinguish the different sounds of each animal and how to react to each.
Dummy Launcher
A Gun Dog dummy launcher is a device that can propel training dummies to a considerable distance. Multiple launches can be triggered at one time for more in-depth training, launching each dummy to around 80 years. Dummy launchers are a great benefit if you wish to train in water.
There are many more items on the market today and not limited to the items above. For more specific items, recommendations or to browse what’s available please contact us today where we will be more than happy to assist you further.