Muntjac Trading
212 Acme Dog Whistle with Lanyard (Field Trial Whistle)
Whistle Colour
212 Acme Dog Whistle with Lanyard (Field Trial Whistle)
Shop 212 Acme Dog Whistles Online
This with your lead, is one of the most important pieces of equipment that you will buy, the great advantage of a whistle is that the tone sounds the same even if you are boiling mad with the fact that Fido has totally disregarded your commands.
There is a range of Whistles within the popular Acme range, always make sure that you stick with the same number whistle throughout your dog’s lifetime.
The 212 Acme Dog Whistle, The professional’s choice because it has a constant frequency no matter how hard or soft you blow. It is also known as the field trailers whistle.