Muntjac Trading

NEW Dokken Dead Fowl Puppy Trainers


Dokken Dead Fowl Puppy Trainers

The Dokken Dead Fowl Puppy Trainers Training were developed for puppies 7 - 12 weeks of age.  These petite models will train your puppy on every retrieve. The hard free-swinging head of them prevents your puppy from shaking the bird by delivering a sharp wrap to the snout of the dog.  These have the same hard feet also and durable body as the same as the larger models but the smaller size is perfect for building confidence in younger dogs.

These are ideal for young dogs as it is not large enough to discourage them and the hanging head reflects that of a real bird so they can get used to the swinging head.

Four models available; the puppy mallard, puppy dove, puppy quail and puppy pheasant.