rabbit dog dummy

Rabbit Dog Dummy

Jan 24, 2024Chameleon Web Services

Rabbit Dog dummies are becoming increasingly popular across the gun dog training community. These dummies give a realistic look and smell to prepare your gundog for the true events of retrieving game/rabbits.

The rabbit dog dummy is a training tool used to mimic the scent, size and texture of rabbits, giving an ultimate experience for gundog training. The purpose of using a rabbit dog dummy is to introduce your gundog to the smell and size of the rabbits to enable them to develop the ability to identify and track specific game on the hunt. It is also a great way to build confidence in your dog before the genuine hunt for rabbits begins.

The Use Of Rabbit Dog Dummies

These dummies are an excellent start-off point for retrieval training but also can be used for pro trainers who haven’t had the opportunity to experience or train in real hunting conditions. Your gun dogs retrieval skills will increase and they will become more knowledgeable in picking up and delivering game to their handlers, it will also help improve their ability to identify the different scents that they will later encounter on a hunt.

Steadiness is also key when retrieving live game, using rabbit dog dummies for training purposes ensures gundogs learn how to stay calm and focused. Newly trained gundogs tend to become very excited about a hunt and using a rabbit dummy as a training aid will ensure game is retrieved to precision.  

Rabbit dog dummies are a valuable tool in gun dog training, playing a crucial role in developing the skills necessary for a successful hunting companion. They provide a controlled and effective means of introducing dogs to the world of scent, retrieval, and game simulation. They are now available to purchase directly from Muntjac Trading. Rabbit dog dummies are available in 2 sizes with or without fur cover, depending on your needs. The small is weighed at approx. 700g and the large weight is 1300g.

BUY NOW or CONTACT MUNTJAC TRADING for more information!

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